Membranes are the working surfaces of all our cells, so if Super Nutra Complete they are deficient in the right kinds of essential fats, they will be unable to function properly, and nutrients will be unable to get into the cells and toxins will be unable to leave. Furthermore, fat is the second largest compound in our body, and makes up to 60% of the weight of our brain, with up to 30% of that 60% being made up of essential fatty acids. The tiny components that reside inside our cells also need these essential fats to work properly, especially the mitochondria, which is the energy-generator of the cell. So, these essential fats are required in every single cell, otherwise your health will be compromised.
These oils are found in flax seeds, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, and although pumpkin, walnuts, soya, and hemp seeds also contain some of these Omega 3 fatty acids, they have more of the Omega 6's, so are classified as Omega 6 oils. The Omega 3's contain the EFA's Alpha Linolenic Acid, also called ALA's. They are called Omega 3 oils because they have a double bond at the third Carbon atom along from the Omega or right hand end of the fatty acid molecule. They are five times more sensitive to damage through light, oxygen and heat than the Omega 6's. And the derivatives of this essential fatty acid, DHA and EPA, are 25 times more sensitive to damage than the Omega 6's. DHA and EPA are also found in fatty cold water fish, like salmon,