Making a space that is dedicated to your endeavours is the first thing you want to do when trying to Az Formula balance your home life with your Internet marketing business. The size of the space is unimportant as long as you have room for your computer and other essentials you may need and can keep them out of reach of little fingers.
It's not always possible to have a space to work without distraction on your Internet marketing venture, but it is best. Often background noise will interfere with trying to work online so it's a good idea to complete your work when the other members of your household are away or sleeping.
Once a launch is complete the system should allow for more balance because information products are more or less automated, even if you create your own product. Your website can automatically process orders and bring the purchaser to a landing page where they will have the opportunity to download the product. Balance will come over time, so take precautions to automate your systems and outsource tasks to others where possible, giving you more time to focus on the important tasks and have more freedom to do what you please.