How many of you are Bargain Hunters? Ever grab something Turmaslim from the shelf only to put it back because you felt it was no bargain? Healthy living can be pricey at times but what do you consider to be a bargain? Is it something that's on sale and have a triple coupon for or a clearance item that you might need at some point? A bargain is based solely on its benefit and perceived value. What we believe to be a bargain is relative. An item you feel to be priced too high, I might believe it to be a steal. But, if you feel eating healthy is too expensive, portion control can keep the budget down by serving the quantity/size that is recommended on the label. By practicing portion control you'll start to notice foods lasting bit longer around the house. Spaghetti Squash and a can of flavored diced tomatoes is not only a low cost meal but, delicious as well.
Another long term benefit of a healthy lifestyle is reaching your goal. What a wonderful feeling of achieving your ideal weight, giving you a sense of accomplishment and self esteem that is a bargain any day of the week. Though, remember with success comes the responsibility of achieving it. Don't rest on success, you build upon it. There is an Old Russian Proverb that reads; "Success and Rest don't sleep together". If you're not ready to handle the responsibility of success, then you're not ready to obtain it. Where would Donald Trump be with only one hotel, Jim Hansen with Kermit and no Miss Piggy or McDonald's with only one hamburger sold?