"In summary, there is Renew Magnesium Spray Review considerable constructive latitude in those provisions of the international drug conventions which obligate Canada to make certain forms of cannabis-related conduct punishable offences. It is submitted that these obligations relate only to behaviours associated with illicit trafficking, and that even if Canada should elect to continue criminalizing consumption-oriented conduct, it is not required to convict or punish persons who have committed these offences.
The obligation to limit the possession of cannabis products exclusively to legally authorized medical and scientific purposes refers to administrative and distribution controls, and although it may require the confiscation of cannabis possessed without authorization, it does not bind Canada to criminally penalize such possession."
Scientific study continued on the medicinal uses of marijuana. In August 1997, the Institute of Medicine began a review to asses the scientific evidence of marijuana and cannabinoids. Released in 1999, the report states: