Such methods are to be avoided at all costs, primarily Eat Stop Eat due to the fact that they pose a considerable degree of risk to the dieter who engages in them and so if they are careful they run the very real risk of hospitalising themselves. The long term risks of such actions cannot be underestimated.Many of these fad diets make bold and grossly exaggerated assertions such as: "without diet, you are able to lose 10lbs in a day!" What they fail to inform the dieter of however, is that such weight loss will typically be the loss of retained fluid within the body rather than actual fat loss.If you want to lose weight quickly, then consider the following methods. They are the most quick methods of weight loss, not due to their speed, but rather, due to the fact that they will provide consistent and safe results for the dieters.
However, the reason that it is so often recommended is due to the fact that it works, and works well. Spot toning, whereby you focus on exercises designed to affect only stomach region will not work, and will provide limited results at best.When choosing between diets it is important to understand which is best suited to the kind of lifestyle you follow. For people who are sedentary picking an extremely strict diet is not realistic and it will only last a few days. Try to strike a balance between your current lifestyle and the one you hope to achieve with the diet and keep in mind that only a weight loss diet that is practical, applicable and doable will actually work.