Do you have a strong sense that you're here Subliminal360 Review to make a positive difference in the world? Do you know what you want to accomplish, but not how to do it? Do you feel fearful--both about succeeding and about failing? Do you have serious doubts about your ability to pull it off... yet a passionate drive to do so? When it comes to creating a plan, do you draw a blank?
Do you sometimes go into self doubt, cynicism or hopelessness about your abilities... yet never give up the hope? Do you feel guilt when you imagine you could possibly not succeed? Are you in the complex and challenging situation where the drive never leaves you, but the answers never come? This can be excruciating and perhaps even a little incomprehensible. If you recognize yourself in this description, here are some ideas.
1Decide that you will accomplish that positive difference you want to make--and you will figure out how to do it. Just make this a certainty in your mind. You can learn whatever you need to learn to make it happen. It IS necessary though to make up your mind with certainty of intention. This is what is required for you to have that unwavering resolve that keeps you going when you have inevitable set backs. Without this conviction, it is too tempting to give up at the slightest discouragement.