Simon Cliffe is an internet writer, and has been publishing The Arthritis Code Review articles for over a decade. He has suffered the effects of gout since his mid twenties and has recently spent a lot of time researching whether gout can be avoided, cured or controlled. In his various articles he discusses whether diet has an impact, what gout foods to avoid, the benefits of a low purine diet and other aspects of living with gout.
For natural gout pain relief many gout sufferers have found celery seeds to be effective. Here, you'll learn why and how to use them for natural pain relief instead of drugs.WHY NATURAL GOUT PAIN RELIEF?Although drug-based medications can reduce inflammation, relieve pain and lower uric acid levels, they do have some really nasty side effects. Typical of these are; nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bleeding, ulcers, skin allergies, and so on.
And these drugs only work whilst they are being taken. For example drugs to lower uric acid and maintain those lower levels, need to be taken over the longer term, months, even years.Which is why many gout sufferers seek natural home remedies for their gout. And there are many such natural treatments for gout out there. But, according to many gout sufferers, celery seeds make up one of the best natural remedies for their gout.